❤️New bellydance Choreo Starts this week! 新肚皮舞成品舞开始,欢迎预约
❤️New bellydance Choreo Starts this week! 新肚皮舞成品舞开始,欢迎预约

New Belly Dance Choreography classes started this week! 8 weeks to complete a dance! If you have finished a few bellydance fit classes, you can challenge yourself and start to learn bellydance choreo while conitinueing bellydance fit classes for strong foundation. Don't miss it! Just book from our APP! If you have any questions, please whatsapp 96652368. Enjoy the photo and video above from last choreography by our beloved instructor and students. 新的肚皮舞成品舞本周已经开始,欢迎会员直接app 定课。
