12.12 Sale, grab it before our prices going up! ❤️双12 优惠,在我们涨价前购买预存🌹

Thank you for your support and we have to raise the prices after Jan 12, 2023! So grab the promotions now and save for next year before the prices going up! You can stock up new package and it will be activated only after the existing package is used up.
感谢您一直以来的支持亲爱的,明年1月12日起我们即将涨价!风雨同舟,感恩有您。从现在到1月12日之前您还有机会购买促销配套! 现有配套如果没有用完,也可以购买预存。新购买的配套将会在现有配套使用完之后启动,有效期从启动时计算。
12.12 Sale ❤️
10 Class Pack 228 SGD Extra 1 Free Class
20 Class Pack 358 SGD Extra 2 Free Classes
30 Class Pack 498 SGD Extra 3 Classes
70 Class Pack 988 SGD Extra 5 Classes
100 Class Pack 1388 SGD:Off 200 SGD!ONLY 1188 SGD
200 Class Pack 2098 SGD: Off 200 SGD! ONLY 1888 SGD
双12 促销 ❤️
10节课配套228 SGD 赠1节
20节课配套358 SGD 赠2节
30节课配套498 SGD 赠3节
70节课配套988 SGD 赠5节
100 节课配套 1388 SGD 优惠200 SGD!
200节课配套 2098 SGD 优惠200 SGD!
Grab now before or after class in our studios, or purchase directly on APP! 直接课前或课后在教室跟老师购买或在App 购买
